Thursday, January 28, 2010

that's Capitol!

Since moving to Boise, we have been stuck admiring the State Capitol from a distance, as it has been under construction for rennovations. A few weeks ago we were finally able to set foot in the beautiful building. First I went with my coworkers...

then Jeff and I were able to get tickets to the VIP Reception the night before the dedication! We invited our friends Buzz, Hannah, and little L'eah to join us. It was so fun to tour the new Capitol and see how lovely it is. We also enjoyed rubbing shoulders with our state legislators who were in attendance. And what's not to love about tasty cheese and fruit trays - yum!

cute little L'eah - she always steals the show!
Jeff, preparing for his floor speech
the attendees milling and socializing
Buzz, Hannah, L'eah, and Jeff
Ah - so pretty

and having a little fun at the end of the evening!

Later that weekend Jeff and I got all gussied up to attend the Governor's Ball. Our neighbor Curtis was kind enough to take our picture before we stepped out for the evening.


MaryEllen said...

Um, So Basically, I don't think you and Jeff have changed hardly at all since High School!! You must take your vitamins!! :) Love you!

AngiDe said...

You guys looks so great!!


Karen said...

What a beautiful building! You two look great!

Fossil Photo / Curtis and Shauna said...

Love that you have a family blog!! You guys have been up to a lot. Like the pics. Yeah, and I didn't know you were in the YW presidency. I loved serving in the presidency for the YW, building such a greater love of the Youth...they are AMAZING!

Doug & Jen said...

What an amazing building. It probably helps that you take such great pictures! Looks like you are doing really well up there. Doug just got a job in New Mexico, but we traveled through Idaho looking for jobs last summer and I am amazed at how beautiful it is and how much I really wanted to move there. I guess we'll just have to come visit instead. Enjoy your week!!

Becca said...

Oh, a ball! I'm jealous. Where did you get your dress?

Tyler Waterfall said...

Karla, how fun to catch up with some more of what you've been up to! (It made me MISS you!) You two look so great. I was glad to see Jeff practicing for future speeches at the Capitol, and congrats on your promotion! I'm sure you are making a positive difference in your ward--I don't know how you do it all and do it all so well. I admire and just love you.

karla said...

You are all too kind. :)

Becca - I got the dress at Dillards, I think, a few years ago.